The Purchase Process
Exchange memberships are offered through its offices as well as on-line through the website of Mercantile Exchange of Madagascar. The intended applicant will register with the website and receive an application form which he can complete on line and submit for Exchange Approval.
The Membership Department of the Exchange will conduct a complete due diligence of the applicant as per the compliance formalities set forth in the Exchange Bye laws. The Department will also determine the sources of funds used by the applicant to purchase the membership, using Anti-Money Laundering (AML) guidelines developed by the US Department of Homeland Security and in Compliance with Local Money laundering rules and regulations in Madagascar. After complying with the due diligence procedure about the applicant’s bona fides and background, the applicant will be notified that he is either accepted or rejected for membership. If accepted, the applicant may sign a membership agreement and transfer the membership fee as per the procedure to one of Mex Madagascar’s banks.
When the applicant’s funds have been received, the applicant will be assigned a member number and given access to the Clearing House whom he may then contact to set up a trading account.
Sales of Memberships
For the first three years of operation of the exchange, memberships may only be purchased from the exchange itself. A member wishing to sell his membership during this period may contact the exchange which could in turn sell it back to a new member or auction the membership. He will then receive the price, for his particular membership, which is prevailing at the time,
After expiration of the first three years , the exchange will stop issuing membership by application and facilitate a secondary market in which the intended buyer or seller will have an option to buy or sell his/her membership at market rates.
Costs and Fees.
Following is a table which lists the prices and ancillary fees associated with each membership.
Membership | Purchase Price | Annual Membership Dues |
Clearing Member | € 25,000 | 20 % of the Original Membership |
Market Maker Member | € 15,000 | 20 % of the Original Membership |
Institutional Member | € 5,000 | 20 % of the Original Membership |
Introducing Brokers | € 5,000 | 20 % of the Original Membership |
Individual Member | € 2,000 | 20 % of the Original Membership |
The exchange will levy €200 as a processing fee from each applicant.
List of Contracts
Food Grains and Allied Products
Oil Seed
Vegetable Oil and Fat
Fiber Crops
Other Products
Precious Metals